He broke out at Wendy's the other afternoon and I thought, well maybe there are some undeclared ingredients or cross-contact with something!! He had a hamburger, fries, oranges and water.... where is the problem food???
It seems we keep having problems with fruits and veggies with little seeds!
WHAT!! I mean really, the kid can't have milk, peanuts, eggs and now more than half of fresh fruit and veggies.....
I've really got to bring him to an allergist again. I really don't trust my allergist, his knowledge of food allergies or ability to help provide a plan for feeding. But I really need to know if Christopher has an allergy to these foods or they are just iritating his skin.
Last night I picked up some apple sauce because that hasn't been causing any redness, but is it safe? Then I picked up some canned peaches because I haven't had any problems with peaches. So we'll be "testing" foods ourselves.
Just pray for us and this... it's nerve wracking for parents. And to be allergic to fruits and veggies with seeds is HUGE!! I mean apples, oranges, tomatoes??? Where does it end?
Oh wow what can he eat I wish I knew :-\
Maybe the food was cooked in peanut oil.
I know chick-fil-a cooks their food in peanut oil.
Hey Kelly,
You might do some research on Oral Allergy Syndrome. It seems that sometimes certain fruits trigger a reaction because the body sees the protein in the fruit as pollen and attacks it. From the little I know about it, people with this condition can eat most of the fruits once they are cooked because it kills the protein. Therefore, applesauce, baked apples, and other things would be safe.
Another thing to check would be citrus... it's one the big 8.
Hope that helps, and hope you figure out what's causing it!
Hi Kelly!
I don't want to be right again, but I think it is the orange. When I had my food allergy test, they tested oranges and I thought, oh no, it is the only fruits I could eat till now, please don't let it react. It didn't. But as you can see when oranges are test in the basic allergy test (my doc only had the basics of food to test), it must be something which is known to react often. Helen is right about the protein , which are destroyed when you cook,bake etc. the fruits, mean, when they get hot in anyway. But remember! This does not work for any kind of nuts! When you bake nuts the protein in them are NOT destroyed.
ugh... I'm sorry, I know that must be frustrating.`
Gosh, I can't imagine what you go through!
I'm with Jenny...oranges sure are acidic...could be...
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