Monday, July 28, 2008

The Rest of our Monday

From the reports I heard the Kidz Club went well this afternoon (at least 55 kids there). They held it from 1:30 to 3:30ish.... my plan was to let the kids nap (at their normal time) and then participate in the last hour or so.....but as the kids and I pulled onto the road the park was on, I saw our teammates driving by....they had ended a little early......

If you know me, my heart to serve, and my struggles with ministry vs motherhood... you know how disappointed I was. And then the guys told me I had missed an opportunity to spend time with the pastor's wife.....but I held it together and figured we have two more afternoons???......

So tomorrow I'm hoping to go straight to Kidz Club and then delay the naptime until we've spent some time at Club.... so that's the plan, let's see if they make it through lunch, or else plans will change:)

After dinner we headed off to the Skate Park.....we got there at 7pm and there were few kids out there skateboarding, biking, etc!! As it got later more and more people started pouring in.....I am totally not knowledgeable about skateboarding or the skateboarding culture.....

Here is part of the group forming....this was just ONE corner of a very busy skating ramp thingy

Here are some of the "smaller" guys....I can't believe how HIGH they can get:)

So, I got a little skateboarding culture info.....and was really amazed of the ministry opportunities involved with this sport.


Jenn said...

How fun! Josh would have loved seeing the skateboard guys in action.

Heather said...

Thanks for commenting on our blog. Unfortunately I just read it. I forget to check my older posts. Now I have a new blog to read while I'm nursing! :-)