Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday Sentences - Forgiveness of a Child

Mothers have tiring jobs... I know. I'm more exhausted at naptime that the kids are most days:) But what makes a mother's job harder is the emotional strains... grumpy kids, loads of laundry, long "to do" list....etc

Friday was a tough day with NO releif insight. For some reason my oldest woke up with a sassy and fussy "attitude". She fussed through chores, cried through memory work, whined through school work, and fussed more when I gently corrected her. Finally I broke and corrected her with a harsh word and sent her to her room for her to "cool off".

While she needed cool-off time so did I. I didn'y say anything mean to her, but my tone of voice was harsh.

Totally CONVICTED!!! I mean our memory verse this week is A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger (Provs 15:1)...yes, I just wrote it from memory but I have a pirate voice for the last part and the visual of all my kids "stirring a pot"...

At naptime, I had the chance to ask Anna to forgive me for "using a mean voice" when she was fussing because I knew that I was NOT being loving when I was mean.

Anna hugged my neck, holding me close she said, "MOmmy, I forgive you for being mean."

I said," Thank you, Anna."

She continued, "Mommy, I forgive you because I love you and I know that you love me. When you use a mean voice I still know that you love me."

Ah, there's nothing like being a Mommy. And nothing like having a child's genuine love.

What have your children taught you about forgiveness, love or what "being a Mommy" is???

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