Sunday, February 1, 2009

Saturday Sentences - Strange compliment

Ok, Ok... so I'm NOT posting this on a Saturday... ah ahaa...

But I wanted to post it because it was soo cute and funny at the same time:)

You know in Song of Solomon when the Lover compliments his Beloved with sayings like, "How beautiful you are, my darling,How beautiful you are!Your eyes are like doves behind your veil; Your hair is like a flock of goats that have descended from Mount Gilead." Song of Solomon 4:1

Well this evening as I was getting Christopher dressed for bed I talked to about when he was a baby and how much he liked to snuggle.... he's just a little busy boy now and has told me on a number of occassions that he doesn't like "girl kisses" (aka Mommy kisses).... oh, he's growing up... I know this is just a stage, wanting to be like his Daddy... a BIG TOUGH GUY!!

BUt MOmma still misses some of those little boy snuggles:)

So my Little Man looks at me sweetly and says, "Mommy, you're as beautiful as a giant!" LOL

But as I have had a few moments to think about it, maybe it was a compliment since they've talked about giants NON-stop for the last few months:)

*** And thanks to Andrea for the great Saturday Sentences Button:)

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