I took the kids to the Dollar Tree with dollars that had been given to them. And I did the worst thing a mom can do (but it's a good learning experience for the kids and good for me to see their little minds at work)..... I told them that they each had $1 and could only purchase 1 item.
When they first walked in their eyes were HUGE... they could pick whatever they wanted!! There were a few items I had to talk them out of... Christopher wanted a bat and ball (we have three sets in the garage) and he wanted a scrub brush...LOL... should have let him have that...LOL
Anyway, Anna picked out a little Disney Princess figurine and Lydia chose a stick horse to "ride" (soo cute!! for a $1). Christopher had to make a decision about a noisy gun (please no) or a letter puzzle. Honestly, I was going to let him have his choice!! But he put down the gun and was soo excited about the letters......
Those poor letters have been used soo much!!! They have been played with everyday by every kid! Chris has SLEPT with them at least 2 nights and one nap....LOL
The first night he made us a "letter factory"... AKA he tried to put the letters in ABC order. So cute!!!
Looks like we have some more praciticing to do:)
Out to enjoy our BEAUTIFUL weather:)
Pretty good job with the letters.........
Chris, Granddaddy and I are sooo impressed that you did such a good job with your letters!
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