Friday, January 9, 2009

Help with Shoes

Well my kiddies have helped me start to keep part of my New Years Resolution! A couple of times this week I have started to get my sneakers on to exercise with a workout video.... ohhh, I always dread it because I look soo foolish... I've got little mother wouldn't let me try out to be a cheerleader because she thought I wasn't coordinated enough....LOL

When the kids see me getting ready, they grab their sneakers so they can join right in!!! It's so nice to "exercise" with those who have less coordination than me.....we can all gigle with each other!! I was thinking that even "exercising" with me helps with their physical well-being and learning coordination:)

This morning, Anna "helped" Lydia get her shoes on....

Check out this lacework.....LOL

For the last week, Anna has been practicing "tieing" her shoes.... I guess helping Lydia just gives her MORE practice:)Anyway, I've been letting her practice and then untying the mess when she's not around. She hasn't asked for help or a demonstration yet, so I've held my tongue or advice....

It is fun to see her at this "tieing shoes" milestone. It reminds me of how BIG she really is getting and how I need to savor the moments, Awhile I untie the knot...LOL!


Anonymous said...

Well, I think it is a perfect tieing LOL. I think every child in its life turn on the right shoe to the left foot and the left shoe to the right foot once.

Anonymous said...

That knot is definitely not going to come untied.

In Everything said...

h ah ahaa... the good think about Anna is that she is NOT knotting yet...LOL

so most of the "knots" are just the laces laced around eachother and through random holes:) I know this because I "untied" them this morning while I was getting Lydia's shoes on:)