These food allergies require constant vigilance.... We just have to be constantly " on guard" to what our kids are doing and what is laying out- or at least what they could get to. This evening at the start of our meal Christopher started breaking out on his chin. We just couldn't figure out what he had touched. Then his whole face started breaking out, his eyes were getting itchy and swollen. Then he started sneezing and getting a runny nose!!
It was then that we realized that a cup that Brian had taken from him while cleaning up the dinner table probably had milk in it. But that is really our best guess......
We gave him a strong dose of Benadryl and totally removed him from his place at the table and anything he had touched. Then we cleaned him up. As quick as the reaction came.. it quickly passed. Although his eye was still a little swollen when he went to bed.
Praise God for keeping our little one safe even when (as hard as we try) they find things that are dangerous to them. And thanks be to God for giving them reactions that are pretty mild and have yet to be life threatening.
In the discussion that followed we decided that while we keep the house as safe as possible (no milk- except with company, peanut products HIGH up with a label that says NOT for the kids) we needed to teach the kids NOT to play with or drink from cups that aren't theirs! And not to touch plates or foods that aren't theirs. This type of training would be beneficial for when our kids are outside of the house (like revival meals the week after next) and when we do have allergy-sensitive foods!!
awe... poor christopher!! Im glad hes ok tho. That has to be hard. I know that Im trying to work on not taking milk over when we visit. And if I do really keep an eye on their cups. Cause kids are notorious for picking up stray cups.
Its going to be hard to teach the young ones not to do that.. but I think it can be done with practice.
Call us sometime this week. We can hang out!
Tomorrow Caleb has a chiro apt at 11:30am but other than that im free. those apts take all of 15-20 minutes. So not a huge disturbance :-)
I linked to you via another blog & am going to bookmark you, if that's okay, because omigosh, I can so relate. I'm momma to a 4 y.o., severely allergic to milk, girl.
It does take complete reliance on God & constantly being 'on guard.' Some day when our kiddos outgrow these horrible allergies, life will seem so carefree!
Blessings to you & your three!
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