It's amazing how close we are getting to Nate's due date.... just days away... and that's before we even consider that he could surprise us;)
The "end" is hard... there is just such a crazy mix of emotions during this time for ALL of us!!!
Obviously with the physical strains on me... I am ready! It's not comfortable carrying the extra 35+ pounds... it really gives me more compassion for those who struggle with weight!! Because the extra weight DOES make a difference in how I move, wear and my energy level.
If you are tired of listening to me talk about my feet????? Just imagine my hubby, he's been soo understanding!! But it is by far the hardest thing about my pregnancy.... I am VERY fortunate and thankful that this is the case!! But since my feet have been soo stretched, they are also very sore... I've yelped a couple of times from pain when my kiddies have hit or stepped on my feet... OUCH!
One of the funniest feelings I have had is a little uneasiness about labor.... it's funny because I've been in labor 3 other times before so I go into delivering Nate with plenty of experience! But I guess each labor is different AND there is PAIN involved... LOL!!
But I'm thinking that the reason we get soo uncomfortable at the "end" is because we actually look forward to labor and are very willing to start;)I am trying to enjoy these "last days"!!!
I feel Nate moving in my belly and KNOW I will miss him being sooo close and feeling him in there! He's been such an easy baby to carry:) And it's just too sweet of a feeling to WISH these days away!!
In fact last night I called Anna to come feel Nate moved as I rested in bed (for a second!!). Nate was moving around and I really didn't want her (and then Lydia joined us) to miss feeling him, too!! I was glad to see them start to interact a bit and try to talk to him;)
We feel like we are mentally ready for Nate, but both Brian and I are trying to get "last minute" things done. Brian has worked sooo hard finishing up (what he can) of the house renovations and new living room decor! He's also trying to get church events coming up planned and ready so he'll be ready if Nate surprises us;)
The kids are doing well. They've been pretty good with me trying to sit and rest a little more. I know they are getting a little restless with me, but that's the season we'll be in for now and a few weeks after Nate comes.... so we've been talking a lot about that. What to Expect When the New Baby Comes Home is one of our favorite books to get them ready:)
One thing is for SURE.......
when Nate gets here.... he will be WELL- LOVED!!!!
Thanks again to Andrea for these great pics;) They are soo precious!
I love the pictures....they are so great!
I can understand missing the moving on the inside. When I was pregnant with my son, I got so anxious for him to be born.....but also cherished that time when it was mostly him and me....There's something so special about that time......
Reading your post makes me want to hold our baby right now!!!!Funny thing I still have to wait another 8 weeks more or less but you are so close :-)
My body and mind feels ready for baby, I feel more ready to give birth at 3 am when I can't sleep because I joints pain (I don't have the swollen feet problem but because I'm normal more flexible then most people pregnancy hormones makes all my ligament extra stretchy!!! and sometimes at night I turn in bed and my hip or my shoulder will POP out of their socket!!!! not fun!!!) So I feel your pain, not the same but I understand :-)
Those pictures are priceless! Nate is so love already!!!!
Thanks for writing this update, and we are keeping you and the family in our prayers!!!
Love the pics!
I can't imagine how uncomfortable you must be! I only went to 37 weeks and that was pretty uncomfortable.
I wonder if he'll wait until the 29th?
Beautiful pics!
I hope you have a wonderful Mother's day!
Your family picture is precious!
i cant wait for nate 2 :)
i know ur ready.
get the epidural LOL
well a little bit kidding ;-) I talk to Kelly M abt epidurals today haha... was interesting talking 2 her abt it because shes had both experiences like me. We had similar ones and def both agree'd epidural births are WAY different and not really in a bad way if the epidural is a good one :)
I know u can do it either way tho, ur a trooper!
oh & this reminds me i need to get those pics to you!! ill have things ready wednesday :)
These pictures are fabulous! I LOVE that last one of the whole family. So sweet. Praying for you as you get near to meeting your little guy!
Andrea, GREAT JOB on the photos!!!
Kelly, I'm praying for you. I wish I could be there to help out however you need me, but as life will keep me here I'll have to settle for prayer (which is much bigger and more effective than me anyway!!!)
Waiting for news!
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