I've been seeing (and feeling) it more and more! But I realized it Thursday...
after traveling home Wednesday
attending and tending to kids at Awana and on the van
getting kids in bed, unpacking
waking with a full day ahead, showered, dressed
packed kids, lunches and bags
walked around with kids' field trip
feed the crew lunch
picked up groceries and headed home
CRASHED for 2 hours
tended kids outside and decided to work in the garden
the phone rang.....
And it took me FOREVER to get up... LOL!! TOTALLY missed the call. I had to call the person back:) Yes, I am THAT pregnant and starting to FEEL it;)
I'm really looking forward to the ultrasound for some answers. Part of me wants an early induction if Nate is big, but another part of me just wants a normal report with everything looking normal! No matter how much I think about it or ponder what I think the answer is....
the truth is...
Look at the ravens. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for God feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than any birds! Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? And if worry can’t accomplish a little thing like that, what’s the use of worrying over bigger things?
Luke 12:24-26 (New Living Translation)
So I am really just trying to get done the normal and extra stuff that needs to be done around the house... oh, there is PLENTY to do:) And getting my feet up when I can (it has really helped). And enjoying my sweet kids and the beautiful days we have been given lately... so nice!
Now that it's April, and I seriously have 2 WEEKS before I"m full term!!!, is to start working on
- all the arrangements for the kids and us when Nate decides to come. We'll be making a list of those folks we can call in the middle of the night (since that's when Anna and Chris decided to come). Another part of being at the hospital is having meals planned and gathered for the kids since their food allergies are always on our minds. It will be nice having everything in place so we can feel really confident about the home scene when we leave to deliver Nate!!
- Our meal plans for when we return home! We think we can handle bringing home Nate and handling the house without calling in some grandparents for back-up... it's going to be tough. The house may be messy (but we'll eat with meals planned)..... it will be nice to have some normal adjustment time just with our little family and to get into a nursing routine. We'll see how it goes.... I warned Grandma this week that Brian and the kids might escape to her house if I go through the "hormonal crazies" that I usually have the first week postpartum:)
- My house!!!!! There are soo many "small" projects that I feel need to be done before Nate arrives. Most involve tidying up places and things that we have let go with the work being done to the house or just because we're not sure what to do with it. So it's time to clean it up, so make our house feel cleaner when Nate comes;)
**Sorry about the picture, I'm having Picasa issues again:) maybe I'll have time to figure it out later... probably the result of a kid messing around on my computer;)
I meant to tell u, email me some "safe recipes" :) that ur kids like besides the sticky chicken :) we want to cook you all a meal but im unsure what to cook w/ the allergies. Just email me a few ideas when u get the chance! :-D
hang in there! i know its so hard at the end. hopefully the ultrasound will be comforting to you!
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