It was a chilly night, so as we walked by I answered," Yep. But if I was a snake, I'd be looking for a place to hibernate!"
And then the conversation was quiet for a moment.
Chris answers back, "Mom, I don't want you be a snake... your a good mom!... I mean you do stuff that is mean sometimes, but I don't care. You're still a good mom!!"
The conversation was very sweet, revealing and convicting. I had just written about how I long to be a joyful, loving mother that week and then earlier in the day I had "lost it"... finding fault with everything and really showing an ugly attitude.
Sure, my simple requests of the children had been disregarded. Messes left in every room. Chores left undone. Whining instead of obedience. And a busier schedule due to soccer practice.
Not to mention... a meal to prepare and have ready when we returned from soccer practice. A van left half cleaned (because the little helpers got bored of the job!). A project that the kids had gotten into and I had to fix before I could complete it!!
But those are all excuses...
I have the ability (only through the Holy Spirit) to choose to be loving, gentle, kind and longsuffering.
I choose... and too often I choose wrongly! And my kids know!!
I am thankful they know. They know I love the Lord and want to serve Him in every moment. And they know how often I fail.
But there is forgiveness.... forgiveness from the Lord and from each other!
And a chance to choose joy, gentleness, love and longsuffering the next time!!
It totally figures that these are part of the verses we are working on memorizing together... funny how that always works out :)
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 1Corinthians 13: 4-7

AWWW! I find myself too saying or doing things that I regret. That show how bad of a mother I can be. Sometimes I get angry and don't listen to the explanations...I just punish. *sigh* I really dislike myself sometimes and think will my kids grow up to say I don't want to be that type of parent to my children. Only God can help me change it. sometimes before I know it, I have lashed out at them, then the guilt b/c it happened so fast. :)
Great post. I also get caught up in the little things sometimes and regret it later.
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