I think I skipped the week since our last week's wrap up post.... we schooled Mon-Wed and then visited with Grammie and Pey:)
We had a full school week last week... so we don't get too far behind! My kiddos worked hard last week!!
We have memorized the first 5 verses of 1 Corinthians 13. We're getting to the Valentines' ones now;) I love all of us memorizing together... in fact, one day Anna quizzed me on the verses.... LOL, there's accountability for you!! Another awesome part of memorizing together has been the conversations that the verses themselves start... either explaining terms or the concepts!
They've been little prayer warriors as well;) And we even got to check up on two of the people we had been praying for:)
Language Arts
Like I mentioned in my last Weekly Wrap-Up, I needed to change Lydia's spelling. And I did decide to use You Can Read by 1+1+1=1. We've used it for 2 weeks and it's been perfect for us:) At the end of each week I have given her a "spelling test" and she has spelled each word correctly:) She likes the activities and looks forward to new words each week!
Chris has been working on his own words:) And we've been incorporating some fun with him (since Lydia's activities are fun). He made them with Play-Doh and
even used his dart gun to hit the ones I called out;)
Since I"d got caught up sharing about spelling, I'll share that we like Spelling Power. I don't do all the activities after just because Anna has been doing well and not really needing the extra practice. I"ve also been encouraging her NOT to rush through the 10 Steps... really spend the moments needing "studying" the word... it's parts, the letters to spell it, etc!! Again, we've liked it;)
Everyone did 3 grammar lessons;) Lydia and Chris together. And Anna diagramming this week!
Individual reading, Anna has been reading Ramona Quimby, Chris has been working through the Elephant & Piggie Books by Mo Willems, and Lydia had been doing Bob books. Together the younger ones and I have been chugging away at Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading (OPG)... here was one of Chris' activities...

Reading aloud we have been reading Around the World in a Hundred Years. It's basically sketches of different explorers that made major contributions to discovering new lands and routes to India and then around the world. it's been very informative, glad we are reading it.
With Brian we are reading Helen Keller's Teacher by Margaret Davidson... it's been a very powerful book, just the beginning of this remarkable lady's book:)
We're doing great with Math! I am soo pleased with Saxon.... my only concern is that it's a little too easy... but all my kids love it;) We did some measuring this week
and Lydia started working on her 1st addition facts... doubles, she already knows them all (the benefit of having older siblings) but she was still excited and looked ahead to see when she can start doing fact sheets like Anna and Chris;)
We did the reading, coloring pages and map for the 1st chapter of Story of the World vol3 :) We talked about the Spanish in the New World... which explorers/rulers took part and how they acquired all the gold/silver they brought back to Spain (no wonder there was soo much piracy)!
Chris has really been enjoying his narration exercises as well.... he draws a picture about the reading and then tells me the key events for me to write!! He loves narrations;)
Anna is learning to write her own narrations this year. For two years she has been dictating to me and I've been writing it... definitely a test of endurance twice a week!! It's a great exercise though.... understanding the reading, figuring out the main ideas of the reading, putting those ideas into sentences and writing the sentences!
Yay for narration:) LOL!!
We've been reading through a library book that talks about everyday chemistry elements that we got from the library.
We also did our experiment for the week;) We were talking about how carbon dioxide is in liquid in soda. And how even when the carbon dioxide leaves the soda, the amount of liquid in the bottle doesn't change... showing that gas molecules are spaced farther apart and don't take up a lot of space.
My favorite part was when I really shook the soda, the balloon expanded (catching gas) and the kids HID under the table.... afraid the bottle was going to explode... LOL!
Chris' favorite part of the experiment!
Photo of the Week
We definitely get to spend lots of time together since we are home together all day! Sometimes it even means everyone hanging out in Momma's room as she drys her hair;)
We had a full school week last week... so we don't get too far behind! My kiddos worked hard last week!!
We have memorized the first 5 verses of 1 Corinthians 13. We're getting to the Valentines' ones now;) I love all of us memorizing together... in fact, one day Anna quizzed me on the verses.... LOL, there's accountability for you!! Another awesome part of memorizing together has been the conversations that the verses themselves start... either explaining terms or the concepts!
They've been little prayer warriors as well;) And we even got to check up on two of the people we had been praying for:)
Language Arts
Like I mentioned in my last Weekly Wrap-Up, I needed to change Lydia's spelling. And I did decide to use You Can Read by 1+1+1=1. We've used it for 2 weeks and it's been perfect for us:) At the end of each week I have given her a "spelling test" and she has spelled each word correctly:) She likes the activities and looks forward to new words each week!
Chris has been working on his own words:) And we've been incorporating some fun with him (since Lydia's activities are fun). He made them with Play-Doh and
even used his dart gun to hit the ones I called out;)
Since I"d got caught up sharing about spelling, I'll share that we like Spelling Power. I don't do all the activities after just because Anna has been doing well and not really needing the extra practice. I"ve also been encouraging her NOT to rush through the 10 Steps... really spend the moments needing "studying" the word... it's parts, the letters to spell it, etc!! Again, we've liked it;)
Everyone did 3 grammar lessons;) Lydia and Chris together. And Anna diagramming this week!
Individual reading, Anna has been reading Ramona Quimby, Chris has been working through the Elephant & Piggie Books by Mo Willems, and Lydia had been doing Bob books. Together the younger ones and I have been chugging away at Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading (OPG)... here was one of Chris' activities...

With Brian we are reading Helen Keller's Teacher by Margaret Davidson... it's been a very powerful book, just the beginning of this remarkable lady's book:)
We're doing great with Math! I am soo pleased with Saxon.... my only concern is that it's a little too easy... but all my kids love it;) We did some measuring this week
and Lydia started working on her 1st addition facts... doubles, she already knows them all (the benefit of having older siblings) but she was still excited and looked ahead to see when she can start doing fact sheets like Anna and Chris;)
We did the reading, coloring pages and map for the 1st chapter of Story of the World vol3 :) We talked about the Spanish in the New World... which explorers/rulers took part and how they acquired all the gold/silver they brought back to Spain (no wonder there was soo much piracy)!
Chris has really been enjoying his narration exercises as well.... he draws a picture about the reading and then tells me the key events for me to write!! He loves narrations;)
Anna is learning to write her own narrations this year. For two years she has been dictating to me and I've been writing it... definitely a test of endurance twice a week!! It's a great exercise though.... understanding the reading, figuring out the main ideas of the reading, putting those ideas into sentences and writing the sentences!
Yay for narration:) LOL!!
We've been reading through a library book that talks about everyday chemistry elements that we got from the library.
We also did our experiment for the week;) We were talking about how carbon dioxide is in liquid in soda. And how even when the carbon dioxide leaves the soda, the amount of liquid in the bottle doesn't change... showing that gas molecules are spaced farther apart and don't take up a lot of space.
My favorite part was when I really shook the soda, the balloon expanded (catching gas) and the kids HID under the table.... afraid the bottle was going to explode... LOL!
Chris' favorite part of the experiment!
Photo of the Week
We definitely get to spend lots of time together since we are home together all day! Sometimes it even means everyone hanging out in Momma's room as she drys her hair;)
oooo that bottle thing looks fun! :) we may have to do that and see what our kids reaction is, haha. Although Caleb was here when I read this and so he may remember ;-)
Love the last pic! we miss you all.
That last pic is the sweetest!
Your kids are so smart! That was a great idea to write the words for Chris to use his dart gun on.
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