So we've been memorizing the 10 Commandments this summer. Sort of taking one a week, when its a quiet week... LOL, still waiting for one of those!!!
I shared in the the Weekly Wrap-up that they've really liked playing the game of guessing the missing commandment. But the funniest thing is Chris and Lydia getting super excited about knowing the missing commandment but not the exact wording...
so guess these commandments...
- You shall not harm.
- You should not steal someone else's wife.
- You should not have hate in your heart.
Lydia and Chris were wrestling, or maybe it was dancing?, in the hallway. I walked by and reminded them to be gentle to one another:)
That's about when I heard Lydia ask,"Hey Chris, lets pretend that we are getting married [must have remembered dancing at Uncle Eric's wedding.... and Chris groans!] ... except we don't have to kiss on the lips!"
Lydia and I were talking about a time when she "sulked". We started talking about Sunday afternoon when Anna got to go to a birthday party and she didn't get to go;)
Lydia: I wish I was Anna!
me: really?
Lydia: No, I don't want to be Anna because she don't like dogs!
**LOL!! I thought it was cute that the 1st thing she didn't like about Anna was that Anna doesn't like dogs!
Nate (15 months) isn't much of a talker, but he definitely lets me know what he wants through "grunting" and pointing!
His newest form of communication.... grabbing my pant leg (preferably a cargo pocket) and trying to PULL me where he wants me to go;) Super cute... not always possible when my hands are full or when I'm trying to cook a meal!!
Ha ha. So funny about Lydia wanting to be Anna.
U know Caleb revealed the other day who he was marrying , ill give u a hint it was someone in your family LOL
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