Its student photo week at Heart of the Matter;) I've really enjoyed participating! And now I get to showcase my sweet kiddos.... my prize pupils;)
These little faces are the ones I get to teach, work hard and play with daily:)
Sometimes we work together well, sometimes it feels like we are just "off" :)
They challenge me to be ready for them each day!!
And help me to see what is really important and what isn't!
I am a blessed homeschooling mommy.... and a busy one;)
Here are our pics and some funny "outtakes"!!!
I seriously felt like I needed to have the sign "Trying to Keep Up" trying to get a picture of Nate!!! He's definitely going to keep us busy this year, just praying for the morning nap to STAY!!
For fun, I'll leave up their pictures from last year on the sidebar a little longer (to give me time to figure it out how to replace them with the newer pics) for comparisons!!!
Adorable pictures!!
I adore these pictures, especially the outtakes. I think my favorite is your son running past the "trying to keep up" sign.
Thanks for sharing.
Those are so cute! I love the "trying to keep up" pics with Nate.
I hear ya on the morning nap!
Cute kids!
I love your grade pictures! What a creative idea!
so cute! I can help you with the side bar btw once we get to GA :) - if you want to try tho just go to your flickr and get the smaller size of the image, and then paste that code into the widget on your sidebar :)
The hand painted signs are super cute, especially "trying to keep up". Looks like he is doing a pretty good job of it, so far! The kids, of course, are super cute too!
Ha ha. I love it. Soooo cute. I love them all.
great pictures :) gorgeous!
I love it! What beautiful children you have.
I'm curious, when does Nate currently nap? My little two still have 2 naps a day and I am determined to keep it as long as I can as most of our homeschool is timed around the naps.
Ashley - Nate still naps twice. Usually 9:30/10 until 11:30ish. He plays quietly in his bed when he wakes up, so it's hard to say when he really wakes;)
And then all the kids lay down at 2:30/3ish. Lydia and Chris take FOREVER to fall asleep.... so last week and today, I let Lydia stay up to do her reading lessons:) She likes it and then she fell asleep after she was finished. Anna naps for 45 minutes... she's older, but it's in her blood to nap!!!!
Nate doesn't fall asleep right away in the afternoon... but he will sleep and sleeps until 5/5:30!
And then he's read for bed 8:30/9 like his siblings;)
So cute! Glad you decided to to those sign photos again. Love that! I'm going to do something similar I think. (Do you suppose I could get my 7th grader to hold a sign? LOL) Personally I really like the Trying to Keep up with the running legs! LOL
I love the pics, especially Nate in the house. Precious! And great light too :) I can't believe how old the kids are getting. Man I feel old!
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