Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What Do you Say?

Brian and I are celebrating our 9th Anniversary (it's actually on the 15th, but we have a date in the works for next week.... so it will be a week of anniversary-ing!!).

In thinking about blogging what 9 years of marriage has been like or how blessed I am to married to Brian, I didn't have words...

What do you say about the man who....

holds you up (physically and in prayer) when you are broken?

loves your children unconditionally?

sees every good (and bad) moment of your life?

works hard to provide for you?

has witnessed you birth his 4 children?

laughs at your really DUMB attempts at a joke?

fixes meals (or heats up leftovers) when you are sick
or headed out to Bible study?

uses the coupons you give him when he grocery shops?
Or makes the extra stop so you can shop?

overlooks your flaws?

supports you in your endeavors?

listens and guides through your thoughts/challenges?

eats the new food allergy-friendly dishes you attempt?
(as long as they don't have chocolate)

and yes.... will change that stinky cloth diaper when you're really, really busy?? LOL!!!

You thank God for blessing you with such a loving, supportive and God-honoring husband... and then you pick up his sweaty running clothes from the bathroom floor:)

Not every day is perfect but that's life in a marriage of two very imperfect people learning how to better love and serve one another while loving, serving and providing for many little munchkins who kinda look like them;)

Happy Anniversary, Brian!!
I am blessed and soo very thankful for you:)

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts.
Use them well to serve one another.
1 Peter 4:8,10


Jenny said...

Happy Anniversary! You both are so adorable!

Anonymous said...

Awww. Happy Anniversary. Sweet photo.

Shannon said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Stacey said...

That was a very sweet post ;) Have a happy anniversary!!