We're continuing to work our way through Psalms... one a day:) And the kids have asked each morning to use the prayer cards... they love them. I like having a system... one when we can really pray for needs and keep track of answers.
I'm planning to start some Scripture memory into our days next week. We'll be starting 1 Corinthians 13. At first I was wanting to only do the the "love" verses, but as I've read through the passage myself I've decided that we'd try the whole chapter;) I look forward to learning it with the kids, too!
Language Arts
We do reading each day with each kids. Sometimes since Anna is reading on her own, but reading time with a parents gets overlooked :( But I'm working on that;) This week she read The Lost Colony and is working her way through The Complete Works of Homer Price (came recommended!). She's also worked through 4 grammar lessons and completed spelling each day!
Chris and Lydia have worked daily on reading practice... I'm soo very proud of them;) Lydia has been the child who has learned to read the fastest... she's still on a beginner level, but she is learning FAST! And she's also not afraid to sound out words she doesn't know!
Chris and Lydia did a few Grammar lessons, learning the little caterpillar poem... they have learned to "act" it out, precious;) Chris also did more with his spelling words from last week and must have learned them through osmosis... so I gave him a new set and he has practiced writing them on the wipeboard and in flour;)
Lydia has been working through her color words. She finished all the worksheets I had collected for the color words and did awesome on the review sheet (she didn't even need my help!). I made her a review game by writing all the color words in black ink on index cards and then gave her laminated magazine pictures that she matched to the index cards!! So simple, but will last through plenty of games for Lydia and Nate:)
Together we read through a book called Shiloh. Another blogging family had recommended it... the story was a boy and his attempt to adopt a mistreated dog. It was sweet and kept the kids attention. It's written in a country slang style and there were plenty of phrases that I skipped over... like the little boy making his friend promise to tell anyone about his boy or "God would make him blind". My kids' theology right now is soo young, I just want to protect it a little longer from wrong thinking:) After Shiloh (which we really enjoyed) we started Walk the World's Rim... it's recommended by Sonlight and corresponds to our time in history;)
Anna's math lessons are still review.... she's loving it. Super easy = super quick!!
Chris is chugging along in math. We've usually been doing 2 days for each Saxon lesson... 1st day is calendar, meeting activities, lesson and math facts. And the 2nd day is calendar, meeting activities, worksheet! I wish we were going a little faster, but he likes it!! This week he worked on trading groups of 10 pennies into dimes
and regrouping in a addition problem, which we (everyone!!) practiced at the "store"!
Lydia is still my little motivated worker. She has to stay busy and follows me around asking when it's her turn to do math or reading ;) She learned more about ordering numbers, ordinal numbers and practiced with left and right more;)
This week we studied Sir Walter Raleigh... both learning about his life and some of his assignments! And then we ended the week talking about The Lost Colony! The kids really enjoyed a book from our library called Roanoke: The Lost Colony--An Unsolved Mystery from History by Heidi E. Y. Stemple, Jane Yolen and Roger Roth!
We try to do a narration for each section... since Anna is older she is trying this year to write it herself;) And Chris will either draw a picture about the story and tell me about the section or narrate!! Anyway, this week they did really well with the narrations... phew;) Shows that they ARE learning these events in history and are learning to share them verbally and by writing!
A project we did was to "map out" an area by examining/exploring it and then making a map:) Anna chose to map our block. So we set out Friday morning to walk the block slowly while Anna documented all the trees, houses, fences and our church;)
Somehow we missed doing science... well, formal science that is!! But we've been outdoors a ton enjoying the beautiful fall weather:)
Splashed in plenty of puddles after the remnants of Tropical Storm Lee went through:/ And got to talk to a Baptist Men Disaster Team from Kentucky working in our neighborhood!
The kids got to play with the neighbor's kittens and heard the neighbor talking about how the momma cat cares for her kittens! Even bringing little rodents she has caught to teach them :/
We have seen the crop duster planes... so we've talked about crops again... mostly cotton behind our block!
Pictures of the Week
The beauty of homeschooling... reading together and work done comfortably on the couch;)
Linking up to Weekly Wrap Up at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers!
We're continuing to work our way through Psalms... one a day:) And the kids have asked each morning to use the prayer cards... they love them. I like having a system... one when we can really pray for needs and keep track of answers.
I'm planning to start some Scripture memory into our days next week. We'll be starting 1 Corinthians 13. At first I was wanting to only do the the "love" verses, but as I've read through the passage myself I've decided that we'd try the whole chapter;) I look forward to learning it with the kids, too!
Language Arts
We do reading each day with each kids. Sometimes since Anna is reading on her own, but reading time with a parents gets overlooked :( But I'm working on that;) This week she read The Lost Colony and is working her way through The Complete Works of Homer Price (came recommended!). She's also worked through 4 grammar lessons and completed spelling each day!
Chris and Lydia have worked daily on reading practice... I'm soo very proud of them;) Lydia has been the child who has learned to read the fastest... she's still on a beginner level, but she is learning FAST! And she's also not afraid to sound out words she doesn't know!
Chris and Lydia did a few Grammar lessons, learning the little caterpillar poem... they have learned to "act" it out, precious;) Chris also did more with his spelling words from last week and must have learned them through osmosis... so I gave him a new set and he has practiced writing them on the wipeboard and in flour;)
Lydia has been working through her color words. She finished all the worksheets I had collected for the color words and did awesome on the review sheet (she didn't even need my help!). I made her a review game by writing all the color words in black ink on index cards and then gave her laminated magazine pictures that she matched to the index cards!! So simple, but will last through plenty of games for Lydia and Nate:)
Together we read through a book called Shiloh. Another blogging family had recommended it... the story was a boy and his attempt to adopt a mistreated dog. It was sweet and kept the kids attention. It's written in a country slang style and there were plenty of phrases that I skipped over... like the little boy making his friend promise to tell anyone about his boy or "God would make him blind". My kids' theology right now is soo young, I just want to protect it a little longer from wrong thinking:) After Shiloh (which we really enjoyed) we started Walk the World's Rim... it's recommended by Sonlight and corresponds to our time in history;)
Anna's math lessons are still review.... she's loving it. Super easy = super quick!!
Chris is chugging along in math. We've usually been doing 2 days for each Saxon lesson... 1st day is calendar, meeting activities, lesson and math facts. And the 2nd day is calendar, meeting activities, worksheet! I wish we were going a little faster, but he likes it!! This week he worked on trading groups of 10 pennies into dimes
and regrouping in a addition problem, which we (everyone!!) practiced at the "store"!
Lydia is still my little motivated worker. She has to stay busy and follows me around asking when it's her turn to do math or reading ;) She learned more about ordering numbers, ordinal numbers and practiced with left and right more;)

We try to do a narration for each section... since Anna is older she is trying this year to write it herself;) And Chris will either draw a picture about the story and tell me about the section or narrate!! Anyway, this week they did really well with the narrations... phew;) Shows that they ARE learning these events in history and are learning to share them verbally and by writing!
A project we did was to "map out" an area by examining/exploring it and then making a map:) Anna chose to map our block. So we set out Friday morning to walk the block slowly while Anna documented all the trees, houses, fences and our church;)
Somehow we missed doing science... well, formal science that is!! But we've been outdoors a ton enjoying the beautiful fall weather:)
Splashed in plenty of puddles after the remnants of Tropical Storm Lee went through:/ And got to talk to a Baptist Men Disaster Team from Kentucky working in our neighborhood!
The kids got to play with the neighbor's kittens and heard the neighbor talking about how the momma cat cares for her kittens! Even bringing little rodents she has caught to teach them :/
We have seen the crop duster planes... so we've talked about crops again... mostly cotton behind our block!
Pictures of the Week
The beauty of homeschooling... reading together and work done comfortably on the couch;)
Linking up to Weekly Wrap Up at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers!
We read Walk the World's Rim our first two weeks of school and everyone in our family loved it! I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
Another great week! I love how eager Lydia is to learn. She must see her older siblings enjoying it and she doesn't want to miss out! Too cute!
I wish I could figure out how to do e-mail responses to blog comments! LOL
Anyway, I keep Spelling Power SIMPLE. We go over the "rule" for the list. I give them the words until they have 3 words incorrect. They then do the 10 step process with those words. Retest the next day and more words until 3 wrong. Repeat. I haven't done the extra activities.
What a great week you've had! I've seen *Shiloh* and wondered if it was a good book. It was nice to read your thoughts. We have just started reading The Chronicles of Narnia together and the kids are loving it.
Anna looks so cute in deep thought with her work :)
Sounds like a great week! :)
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