at VBS, you get away with all sorts of stuff, like....
Skipping naps;)
**although he has napped or played in the pack-n-play a bit each day:)

Rearranging chairs in the main meeting room

Stealing utensils from the kitchen

Begging long enough for snacks, that the sweet snack ladies hook him up;)

Eating where ever and whenever he wants

When awake getting lots of attention

And this is Nate's 2nd VBS:)
Last year he looked like this...
Skipping naps;)
**although he has napped or played in the pack-n-play a bit each day:)

Rearranging chairs in the main meeting room

Stealing utensils from the kitchen

Begging long enough for snacks, that the sweet snack ladies hook him up;)

Eating where ever and whenever he wants

When awake getting lots of attention

And this is Nate's 2nd VBS:)
Last year he looked like this...
oh... so precious;)

So cute!
So adorable. Love his curls.
What a cutie! He looks so busy and happy!
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