When you start the week swimming at your grandparents... it's going to be a good week;)
Tuesday we schooled:) The kids and I began our week of learning about the main parts of he Spanish Conquest of Central America... mostly the Aztecs and Montezuma;) Remember the explorer Cortes... yes we learned about him:) We colored and read... nothing too exciting :(
Since we were home all morning the kids did their summer school work, too!! Chris and Lydia did their reading assignments and Anna got to work on math facts and her journaling;) She's been faithfully reading 20 minutes each day with her Time Timer by her side (we're giving one away on SIMPLE!).

Oh and I got 1 hour alone to myself.... WHERE??? the doctors' office!! The poison ivy/oak finally got me enough to seek medical help. I got hooked up with some super steroid creme and some prednisone... thankfully it's Friday and I itch a LOT LESS:)
While I was away Brian did "math" with the kids... LOL!! Can't wait to share what he taught them!!
Wednesday we had a wild morning... including a rainstorm as we headed out to a pool party. Then some swimming with friends. Only to end our afternoon with a rainstorm at lunch. Drea blogged the adventure;)
Thursday we were back at home schooling again with Mr Cortes... LOL!! but this time we were armed with some library books we got Wednesday afternoon:) The kids worked on some their maps, colored a conquistador helmet and shields;) Then completed their individual tasks!
We did take a break to watch our new road being "made"!
In the evening we enjoyed biking around the neighborhood and down to our river;) We had a late dinner of pancakes;) LOL!
Friday we finished the week with more reading and math practice:) And then a trip to the big city to help Momma find some style... no luck... but we did it together;)
During our reading together time this week, we have been reading through the Abeka version of Swiss Family Robinson and passages from our Daily Bible Story Book;) I love having reading time together!
And we also implemented our morning chore system.... we need a little more practice and consistency from Momma before it's SET... but it make our mornings run soo much more smoothly! Hoping it will really affect our schooling times when we official begin FULL school days again:)
Linking up to :

Glad you got the poison oak under control. Hope it continues to get better. Sounds like a fun week.
Thanks for linking up again! I've enjoyed seeing your pictures each week!
sounds like you have many things that you have done and the kids, I always want my eldest to read book but geez, I better not to say anything hehehe, mine is up and its here thanks My Daily Mumbles
wow, a little bookworm? i also want my kiddo to love books especially now she goes to school...
here for SOOC!
hope to see you there!
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