Then he tested out the water... with just his fingertips;)

He was then ready to find some duckies!

Of course splashing came next:)

And then he was SOAKED...

so why not include the feet and just enjoy the water;)

We had an awesome ending to our VBS on Friday night.
It included a Block Party Team coming from our most favorite VA church, turning our church yard into a party with games, prizes and inflatables;) It was crazy hot... so Popsicles and water were freely given and eaten;)
We folloed it up with a hot dog dinner and the kids singing and signing their VBS songs;) I loved the songs this year so it was wonderful to see the kids really having those lyrics memorized;)
A fun, fun week:)

Very cute! I love the splashing shots!
That is so cute!
Haha...looks like fun!
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