It's such a memorable age for us because when our little Chris was 14 months we were welcoming little Lydia:) It's looks soo overwhelming now.... bringing home a newborn and having a just toddling toddler wanting to be held, too;)
Anna (2.5 years), Lydia (2 days old) and Chris (14 months)
And here they are from today:) (we made it!!!)
So to look and be with Nate now at 14 months... I am just amazed!! How did we do it??? Did I really have to chase Chris around this much?? Was Chris really this little when Lydia came home?? And he was!! :)
In so many ways and from soo many years no passed... those early Lydia days are a blur:)
So it's sweet to have these toddling Nate days and then see my grown little Anna, Chris and Lydia... such a bitter sweet reminder to CHOOSE to ENJOY each DAY and all that each day BRINGS... because they DO grow up soo fast.... I didn't really believe it was all that fast when I was diapering 3 bottoms each day in 2007;)
Onto some Nate Updates;)
The Stats
- Weight 22-23 lbs
- Sizes 18 and 24 months, some 12 month shorts/pants
- 2 naps:)
- Sleeps soundly and consistently through the night;)
- Finished nursing at 13.5 months :(
- Two molars came in... so 10 teeth!!
- Anything and everything;)
- Begs for broccoli, cooked carrots and green beans;)
- Potato chips has been his weakness
- Starting to recognize foods/boxes and makes his requests KNOWN
- Doesn't pass up any treats;) Sorry... had to share this picture again - his messy baby cheeks are adorable to me
New Tricks
- Climbing onto the couch
- Pulling stools & toys to stand on.... gets stuff off counters or onto sisters' beds
- Starting to hand us stuff when we ask:)
- or getting DOWN off stuff when we ask;)
- Sticking his face down into water
- Trying to eat with a fork (adorable!!)
- Fussing loudly for things at dinner... leaving us to guess what he's wanting
- Wandering
- LOUD at church.... working on this;)
- HATES brushing his teeth
- Playing ON the kitchen table - usually accidentally knocking over leftover drinks
- Carrying around Doggie, Paci, burpcloths and Taggie blanket after/before naps ( too cute!)
Momma's Thoughts
I had been really enjoying the baby days with Nate. I wasn't always good at enjoying "baby days" before but I really had been with Nate.... when those seemed over with him it was sad!!
But these days with this busy, happy, full of life, adventurous little guy are GREAT!!! They are just soo much fun. Don't get me wrong.... we are BUSY, too, when he's awake!! I know sometimes I make it look like it's very HARD work... it can be!! I just adore the kids and the stages each is at. And I'm making a conscience CHOICE to ENJOY THEM and all that comes with them;)
I am soo very thankful for my once little crew of 3 that has turned into my super big helpers;) They watch after their busy little brother, too!! Sometimes it takes ALL of US :) LOL!!
While Nate stays super busy, messy and into EVERYTHING, he usually has the most pleasant little spirit about him. He's watching. He's smiling. He's running and playing. He's exploring. He's climbing.
He's a determined little fella... working hard to figure out how to accomplish what he wants!! And when one of us gets in his way or takes the "treasure" he will speak his mind... with fussing and grunts;)
I know we are soo blessed with our family!! I am in awe of the sweet family I have been given and get to enjoy them and raise them! What an amazing and humbling task!! I pray often for wisdom, patience, the right focus and stamina to keep up with them. So thankful that God hears the prayers of those who desire to seek Him, even in the midst of busy kid days;)
And because my little ones were looking like little patriots waving their flags... I'm linking up to I should be Folding Laundry;)

He's so cute! They do grow up fast! It's insane.
awe I loved this post. I honestly don't know how u did it either LOL. I mean when we went to visit Courtney from church and her little newborn... and I held her baby for just 5 min, Owen was postal :) he freaked out. Did not like it.
At that age I think its hard for them to really understand what just happened and why mommy has a new baby. But obviously Chris and Lydia both survived that stage :)
I really need to do a update post on Owen too. Ive been so slack. Love the cheek pic!
Awww. I love this. Sweet photos of Nate. Growing up too fast.
Big guy! Happy 14 months! :)
Hi! Adorable pics! I am a new follower from Fri Hop! Please check out my new blog :)
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Your Nate is adorable - what a beautiful family.
I'm your newest "follower" from the blog hop and would love a follow back - thanks!
Sweet pictures! It hurts me to think how fast mine are growing up. I need to enjoy these sweet days and moments and not rush them so. Thanks for the reminder! :)
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