When I heard the official introduction at the end of my brother's wedding ceremony, I was overcome with amazement!! My little brother was now a husband.... a man committed to loving and serving this sweet young lady as Christ loves the church. I was overcome!!
I remember this little boy....
- the little boy with the bowl cut:)
- The little one that Momma brought home and I helped name:)
- The one that we'd dress up when he was sleeping in the carseat!
- That I had to carry to bed when he fell asleep watching TV when I babysat.
- Or that was homesick when our parents were on vacation and asked me to come home from college to take care of him.... yes, I did drive home (miss a class or two & work time)! TOtally worth it... and I MADE him take a shower... possibly is ONLY one that week.... LOL!!
It's was just that he was my LITTLE brother... and now he's a husband!!
ok, ok.... the wedding...
His Bride coming to him

Taking Her Hand

Saying Vows

The Kiss
**I giggle when I notice the pastor & best man's expressions!

After the ceremony, it was all about kicking back and enjoying the party;)
Chris began with a celebratory handstand;)

Nate made sure he had all his goods:)

Anna went out on the dance floor;) She's quite the party dancer;)

Brian danced with Lydia:)

Even Brian and I danced.... I can't remember EVER dancing with Brian!!! Isn't that strange?
And Chris entertained himself and others...

We had to exit early since we had the kids with us!
We promised them Rita's Italian Ice for doing a good job in the wedding.
All 3 got some, I didn't get a pic of Chris... he was DONE with pictures;)

And while we ended the evening with Ritas...
they wished the new couple well as they left the reception hall... i was sorry to miss this!!

**thanks for the pic Aunt Louise:)

Taking Her Hand

Saying Vows

The Kiss
**I giggle when I notice the pastor & best man's expressions!

After the ceremony, it was all about kicking back and enjoying the party;)
Chris began with a celebratory handstand;)

Nate made sure he had all his goods:)

Anna went out on the dance floor;) She's quite the party dancer;)

Brian danced with Lydia:)

Even Brian and I danced.... I can't remember EVER dancing with Brian!!! Isn't that strange?
And Chris entertained himself and others...

We had to exit early since we had the kids with us!
We promised them Rita's Italian Ice for doing a good job in the wedding.
All 3 got some, I didn't get a pic of Chris... he was DONE with pictures;)

And while we ended the evening with Ritas...
they wished the new couple well as they left the reception hall... i was sorry to miss this!!

**thanks for the pic Aunt Louise:)
It was simple and beautiful. Everyone had a blast:) And it was a great time to see my extended family again:)
What a great wedding! The bride and groom are adorable and look so happy!
Great wedding photos! Her dress was beautiful! New follower from the friday hop, have a great weekend. You can find me at
Looks like a beautiful wedding and a great time with family. The girls were so pretty all dressed up. Enjoy the moments and the memories.
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