So you're getting the only word version on our week :( Sorry!
At the beginning of the week we attended my younger brother's wedding;) During both Monday and Tuesday we stayed at my parents and swam in their pool;) WE all love pool time at Grammie & Pey's:)
This week was a little different because we had Grammie's sisters, my aunts, visit and swim with us at the pool:) It's soo much fun that although we don't get to see them very often, they keep up with us via FB and our blog! So hey guys, thanks for reading... it really means a lot;) And are you sure you are called "great aunts".... that sounds soo old for how young you all are;)
To see my kids playing and getting to spend time with my aunts was really special. Makes me wish for a big family get together so my kids can meet my million of cousins (lol... not that many, although it can seem like it with all of us there!) and I can meet my cousins' families;)
I don't have ANY pics of my kids with my 3 aunts! I DO have a video of my one aunt and my mom playing a game with the kids on the diving board.... oh, my goodness... it brings tears to my eyes! My kids have a WONDERFUL Grammie and a SUPER Grand-Dee!! But the video will be saved and shared with family... it was funny the day of... can't imagine how much we'll laugh in a few years:)
WE got home Tuesday early evening and so Wednesday we tried to get back into routine;)
I've been trying all summer to "keep up" with doing a chapter a week of history and keeping Chris doing a couple math lessons a week... this week I saw it as silly.... why RUSH through history when we're really enjoying it at a slower pace?? And why not have Chris REALLy know the math facts we've already covered then RUSH ahead???
SO that's what we did last week... we enjoyed the slower pace. We read, we read history, we colored, we read, we practiced math facts, we took walks...
The slower pace was also a change in my focus. I think it happened sometime between the rush to get home, the quiet 2 hours driving home, the drive to get to Tuesday night Bible study and the challenge at Bible study that as parents we have a great influence on our children and calling to teach them about God.
Wednesday morning I started asking the kids what they thought the "most important" book was. They answered the Bible. So I asked "if it's the most important book, what should we do with it?" And the kids quickly answered,"Read it!" and "Memorize Scripture!"
On Wednesday morning we read the Bible (a small Psalm) after breakfast. And I pray that we will make it habit to read the Bible together earlier in the day and NOT just tied with "school time" or practicing Awana verses... which are GOOD things. But treating it like the important book we believe and say it is!!
One fun thing happened this week.... Anna is forever trying to find books that she enjoys reading at her reading level (which we're not exactly sure what it is!). She usually just settles on something she finds at the library and does her "time" and finishes the books eventually. But last week at the library I picked up Pippi Longstocking thinking it might be on Anna's level (or a little above) and that she would like it.
Oh, goodness!! She loves it. The time timer goes off and she keeps reading:) And she's soo excited about it that she shares some of the silly stories with us. So Lydia and Chris want me to read it to aloud to them:)
So when I say we read this week..... it wasn't any classical literature:/
If it wasn't the Bible, it was Pippi:)
Yay for the summer;)
And this week we are totally off, minus reading library books, because we have VBS each morning;)

247. diving board laughter
248. noodle squirts
249. great aunts
250. refreshing ices
251. challenging lyrics
252. quiet car rides
253. balance of faith & wisdom/planning
254. peach season
255. breakfast fruit
256. roots that soak up Truth
257. Truth in pages that can be held in my hands
258. missionaries to small towns
259. masking tape
260. like-hearted friends
261. children excited about VBS
262. familiar faces
263. a child enjoying a book
264. sharing a banana with a toddler
265. banana cheeks
266. breakfast for supper
267. a welcoming home
268. a return-ed visit from neighbors
So glad you had a good week.
Oh, no on the computer! How frustrating!
I'm enjoying the slower pace of learning this summer too. We're spending a few minutes each day working on some "weak" areas and reading A LOT. With this simpler approach, I decided to carry it over into next year: We'll be only doing 4 assignments each day instead of the usually 7-9, slowing down to delved into things deeper and enjoy our projects/activities more.
Thanks for stopping in! I have NO idea why she chose John Smith for her new hamster's name as she's not really into history. (She does know who he is though.)
Sounds like a wonderful week your family had! And then a slower pace is always nice for a while! :) I love peaches. Like hearted friends are such a gift. Banana cheeks... too cute!
Joining you from Ann's place. I enjoyed your list, especially 249, 254 and 265. Aren't great aunt's the best. Thanks for sharing.
I love my Mac.
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