Friday, July 2, 2010

Statue of Liberty & the Cross

Happy July 4th Weekend!!

I love July 4th!! I have soo many fun memories of July 4th celebrations picnics, firework displays, dressing in red, white and blue and days at the beach.

I enjoy learning the history of our country and celebrating being a part of a nation that is based on FREEDOM. And yes, I love fireworks... sometimes I even get a little choked up remembering the freedoms that we do have and the price that men (and women) over the YEARS have had to PAY for our freedom....

hence the quote, "Freedom isn't free."

Our choir dug through the choir books and found this powerful song which balances our blessing of being Americans with our faith in Christ. This song touches my heart when I hear or sing it.....

Here's a great version of the song for YOU to listen to this July 4th!!

Here's the link if the player isn't working;)

1 comment:

Mrs. Stam said...

beautiful, Happy 4th of July!