Tuesday, July 27, 2010

WFMW: Storing Blueberries;)

We took the family on a late afternoon blueberry "picking adventure" tonight!! Phew!! So now we're ready to store them!

My first year picking and freezing I called around to my "experts" and they were mixed....

Don't wash.

Wash, but dry.

So what have I done????

Well, I know how I am in the midst of preparing a meal or dessert.... usually RUSHED! So it's super nice to have the ingredients "ready to go"!

So I wash!! Well rinse really in a strainer.

And then I lay them out on a baking sheet (with sides) lined with a towel. By spreading them out to dry, I can pick through them getting out the rest of the leaves, stems and overripe berries.

I leave them to dry for a little while and moved them around to completely dry. And then I pack them into gallon bags.

The berries are right there ready to be quickly scooped out for any recipe I need them for. And in most of my recipes I can use them frozen:)

Good for my crew.... who are glad to share a patch of blueberry muffins at anytime;)

You can learn all sorts of simple and fun tricks at Works for me Wednesday at We Are that Family:)


Nikki said...

We are going on a blueberry-picking field trip within the month. I am so excited to read your handy tip!

Anonymous said...

Yummy! Maybe we should go blueberry picking. Thanks for the tip.