The biggest thing is VBS!! I LOVE VBS!!! It's just an awesome way for our church to minister to the children and families in our community. We've had the privilege through VBS of watching soo many of the children of our town "grow up" these last 5 years!
This year is even more amazing!! A senior adult team from Virginia has come to basically run our VBS! Oh, they had perfect timing in asking us and their being in our church and town is soo encouraging to me.
Monday was our first day and we enjoyed the 30+ children that came into our "ranch"! I can't wait to see what the week holds!!!
Nate's schedule has changed on me again!! When he sleeps longer than 40 minutes he sleeps hard, otherwise it seems like he is trying to get down to 2 naps already with cat naps between. The good news is that he is starting to be more content watching us and looking at toys so he's not needing to be held constantly (although I'm trying to get in all the snuggle time i can!)
And yes.... that is a cloth diaper on his bottom!
I have used cloth for a day or so... there are some pros and cons!! I've always wanted to try cloth diapers for economic and environmental reasons. So I'm glad to have this chance.
I really want to share.... the good, the bad and the gross!! LOL!! But I'll save that for another time that I DON"T need my whole family out the door the next morning by 8:45am so we can "VBS" with 40+ people all morning;)
And we can't overlook continuing to prepare for school starting sometime next month, keeping the house in order, meals and our normal outings.... it's enough to keep this girl busy:) And keep the blog simple this week!
Have a wonderful time, sound slike you are SUPER busy and when it's all over you will be SUPER tired!
Oh how fun! Nate is getting so big!
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