Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Enjoying Indoor Playgrounds again

So it's a wet or cold day.... the kids are bouncing off the walls and I need to get OUT of the house...ever have one of those days??? LOL!

The only problem is that last year it seemed like EVERYTIME we visited an indoor playground (at the mall or fast food restaurant) we brought home an illness.... everything from colds, Fifths Disease to a nasty stomach virus! Not fun or worth it!

We joked about putting gloves on the kids when on the indoor playgrounds, so that they wouldn't put their hands in their mouths or eat with dirty hands! And when they were done playing we were more aware of it and could clean their hands. We did worry that it would be a little odd.... but much better than cabin fever and stomach virus'!!

We tried some out when Ida (the storm) came to visit and we blazed a wet, rainy trail to meet up with family. Grammie picked up the gloves at a Dollar Store and we put them on the opposite hands so that they could use the patterns as grips:)

I was actually shocked that my kids willingly agreed to wear their gloves and LOVED them:) Now that the gloves have been washed they'll just wear them for kicks:)

And get this..... almost 1.5 hours at the indoor playground and it's been over 1.5 weeks and NO illnesses... nothing!

Ahhh... indoor playgrounds are back:)

Check out more Works For Me Wednesday!


Kate said...

That is a SMART little trick there Kelly! GREAT idea.

Bunch of Barrons said...

I've been wanting to take Merrick to an indoor playground, but was avoiding it for that exact reason: germs. Maybe I'll try this! Good idea! :)