Tuesday, February 7, 2012

We're hosting Tiny Talk!!

After starting and hosting Tiny Talk Tuesday for many blogging years;) Mary @ Not Before 7 has given Tiny Talk Tuesday to us;) We are honored and excited to continue to provide a place to share all the silly (and/or important) conversations we have with our kids each week.

So often as parents we get distracted by all that needs to be done in "our" world to listen to the sweet  and sometimes loud) voices that  long for our attention.

Tiny Talk is an encouragement to listen and laugh! And a place to record those sweet voices and silly conversations so we can remember!

Here's our button;)You can get it on the sidebar:)
In Everything

And check out the Tiny Talk Tuesday page if you haven't joined in before! You can also find the button code there, too;)

On with some Tiny Talking;)

The SuperBowl hype was crazy this year! For days I couldn't watch ANYTHING on TV without the SuperBowl being mentioned. But the most hilarious comment was made by Chris in the middle of the game as Brian was attempting to watch the SuperBowl...

"Dad, can we turn on Chitty Chitty Bang Bang now!"


Nate has a running "joke" with us! He won't call me "Momma". He can say "Momma" and he'll occasionally say it, but when you ask him My name he says "Dada". We were calling out words for him to repeat (which he loves to do) trying to get him to say "Momma"...

Now it's your turn!


Jenny said...

Congrats on hosting!

LOL at Chris! You got Nate good!

We were watching the Super Bowl and Abby says, "did anyone get a home run yet?"


Of course, I was no better. Earlier I had asked what inning they were in.

Heather said...

Nate was adorable repeating a few of the Spanish words and doing whatever Chris would do last night at the library!

Heather said...

Nate was adorable repeating a few of the Spanish words and doing whatever Chris would do last night at the library!

Heather said...

Nate was adorable repeating a few of the Spanish words and doing whatever Chris would do last night at the library!

Drea said...

very cool :)

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Love your button and graphic! I will be sure to get my blog entry about it up and ready for next Tuesday! Great stuff. So glad the tradition will live on!