Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Santa : to Visit or Not to Visit...That is the Question

Since I've been married, or maybe even engaged, I been in the Santa or no Santa debate. Both my husband and I had Santa growing up....

But once my mother became a Christ-follower our family's view of Santa, the Easter bunny and the Tooth Fairy all changed. Her view was (I think) that why would she teach her kids these make-believe things when there was soo much true meaning behind these celebrations - Christmas and Easter.

And thinking about being a parent and now being a parent, I can't agree more. I wish my kids knew more Bible verses and songs by heart....oh, goodness (honest moment) I wish I had more verses hidden in my own heart!!! Why would I use "precious teaching moments" on things that were make-believe. They get plenty of make-believe with their cartoons and books...their imaginations are already hard at work:)

All that said, Anna and I were wrapping up gifts this morning. She was helping my by picking out the tag and a "matching" bow. (To those who will get one of these combinations, I left it to her and went with her color schemes...he he he.) Anyway, some of the tags/labels were from a cheap pack I picked up at Walmart so they contained Santa. And I used the moment to try to test her Santa knowledge.

"So, Anna, who is Santa?"

She responds, "He's some boy."

"Oh, really! What does he do?"

She says," He goes to peoples' houses. But he's not coming to mine because I don't like him."

H aha haa....she does get afraid of people dressed up or even someone she doesn't know approaching her quickly, so her response back to me really fits her personality:) But it shows that she's heard about Santa from other people and it doesn't bother her in the least that we don't do Santa:) Although I told her that she was a lucky little girl because at Christmas her family and special friends give her gifts.

"These words, which I command to you today, shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up." Deut 7:6,7


Andrea said...

I like this post...I've thought about the whole santa thing myself. We never really did santa when either I or my hubby was growing up...and we haven't taken our 1 yr. old to see santa yet either. I know he's still young and probably wouldn't even understand...but is something I wonder about...and I like your thoughts!! Thanks for sharing. :)

Drea said...

well said :-) Annas so funny!
:-) you know how bad she'd flip out if I showed up dressed like Santa hehe. I should wear my wig to your house next time I come and put a red hat on, ho ho ho!

Shes so precious

Caleb hasnt even asked about Santa yet. so ill wait until he does and then we'll pass that bridge. But im starting to agree but if he wants to "pretend" ill let him pretend for fun

Erica said...

we don't do santa either! i can't imagine trying to explain one day that we told them something that wasn't true for so long (that santa was real) -- but that jesus is still real even though you can't see him. the 'belief' issue is the same with santa and jesus, and i'd rather be solid on the one that is life changing.
we (only jeremy and me) watched polar express again this year, and watching it with kids in mind i realized that they make quite a stunning argument to 'just believe.' still think it's a great movie, but i won't show it to my kids.

Anonymous said...

Kelly, it was actually because of you that we stopped doing Santa. You were only about 8 years old and had heard in school that Santa was fake. You came home sooo upset and angry that the other children would say such a thing and make fun of you because you believed. After all, I, your mom, was the one who had told you about Santa and you probably thought why would your mom lie. Well it was very difficult to break the news to you that your friends were right and that your mom didn't tell you the 100% truth. After I explained about why Santa was celebrated by people who didn't totally know about Jesus, you tearfully turned to me and asked "well is God real?" That was it!!! I proceeded to tell you that I would never lie about anything again and reassure you that "God is most definately real?". It was then that I told you that the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy were also just make-believe, games people do instead of celebrating the real meaning of holidays. So I stopped the Santa thing and when my unbelieving sisters heard they said I "was ruining my children's childhood" and it was "cruel" and "mean". My grown kids have never indicated that to me or that they missed out on anything by not celebrating Santa.

Besides God, you are your children's "rock". They have to feel secure in knowing that you will be truthful with them and that they can come and ask you anything they have a question about. You must do what you feel is right in your heart and be ready to take responsibility for what you do or do not teach them.