Monday, May 7, 2012

Making Time for Friends... party, parks and strawberry picking

One of the biggest struggles and challenges I have gone through since living in a small, somewhat older town and home schooling my kids is loneliness. There have been YEARS that I have prayed for friends with young children who wanted a friendship to encourage, support and spend time together.

I have been blessed to see God answer those prayers through new families move into our area, new friendships made with people over unique circumstances, our home schooling group and a sweet young librarian who created little reading programs at our library where I connected with other young families.

Last week we were surrounded by friends on different days for different occasions.... and I saw just how blessed we were! And I was reminded of the effort that needs to be made to make these friends and hold onto their friendships.

On Tuesday we had our sweet neighbors over to celebrate Nate's birthday! It was a very small "party". Just one family over to play and have snacks. The snack theme was "Nate's Favorites" and his "cake" for this gathering was a Honey Bun since he wasn't eating his cupcakes :(

This family totally loved on us. Bringing us very thoughtful gifts, even helium balloons that we had NOT been able to purchase for the party and safe snacks!! We are so grateful to them for their willingness to celebrate Nate's birthday on a day that is dear to them as well!! They are such an inspiration!

And playtime on the Gator.... also Nate's favorite thing:) He's become quite the driver!


On Wednesday we met up with some friends who had recently moved away. It was fun seeing the kids happily playing again and being able to catch up with them while catching the little ones! Another family that will soon be "neighbors" was also there... I really look forward to being closer to them, they are a precious family.


Friday morning we set out to pick strawberries. Being reminded to make the effort to connect with others we invited some friends to meet up with us, we were very glad to have others join us... both at the patch and a little down time at a picnic area;)


we were amazed at the beautiful berries in Nate's bucket... how did he get such nice ones??
From Momma's container, of course;)

Angela's Titus covered in berries

And then we headed to the park for snack, playing and bubbles!



Thankful for our friends, both new and old:) And thankful for the reminder to make an effort to spend time with them:)

We did do school last week, too!! I'm sure after the post about being outside in the morning and now all these adventures you might be wondering;) LOL!! Our Weekly Wrap Up post is in the works:)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

How fun! I'm so glad you were able to see your friends and have a good time. I've been thinking about taking Abby strawberry picking.