Friday, February 8, 2013

Not Napping, but Pottying

I've always been a nap encourager:) In fact, some of my "bigger" kids would still take a nap if I had them take a "quiet time" during the day... which I really need to phase back into the afternoon... somewhere:/

For months now Nate has been a non-napper. Most of the reason is that we use the time to run errands and that I spoil him by staying in the room with him until he falls asleep. And we had been using the time it took him to fall asleep as read aloud time (a sweet hour of the day) until the stillness made me sleepy too;)

The ending of our read aloud/Nate falls asleep time was due to the fact that in the evenings, after he had a nap, he would be up to 11-12 at night!!! Yes, when the older ones would head to bed Nate would be wide-eyed... while we'd read in bed all the older ones would crash and Nate would look at us and say, " I go downstairs with you, now!" Not quite the relaxing evenings parents look forward to during the busy days... especially since Brian and I use our evenings to work:/

Nate actually does very well without a nap... sure he can get fussy at 8ish... but that's totally reasonable for a tired 2 yr old. Anyway, we're working on some solutions...

Two days last week he came up with his own plan of crashing on the couch at 6-6:30 and sleeping through the night:) Definitely shows that this little guy NEEDS sleep... even when he fights it hard:)

This week he had us all laughing as he fell asleep eating a bowl of cereal at 6:30ish pm... it was the only thing he wanted to eat!I call it "picking my battles":)

After the video I cleaned him up, changed him into a diaper and laid him on the couch to be with everyone else... he totally fell soundly back to sleep, I moved him upstairs about 9ish (and brushed his teeth) and he slept through the night.

He woke me up at 6:45am with a dry diaper because he needed to go potty:) 

Oh yes!! He's doing that too:) Gotta love kid-led potty training... he was ready without me!! Totally awesome and it's been very easy (besides tending to the tot on the pot with 3 kiddos needing to be schooled)....

NEVER thought I'd say that!!


Drea said...

that video made my night! I watched it at 3:30 am HAHA! hilarious!!

Angela said...

"...tot on the pot..." HA! That made me laugh out loud! It sounds like the title of a children's book :)

Jenny said...

That is so cute!

Abby was always an early to bed gal too. If she took a nap, it was only 20-30 minutes, but it stopped around age 2 as well. Sometimes she'd be in bed by 5 p.m. She woke up like a farmer though, which was the downside.

Now, she sleeps from about 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.

Unknown said...

Ooh, I cherish my kids' nap and/or bedtimes. We live it up while they're awake, but then a switch flips in my head at 8 pm and off they must go... for my sanity...