Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mower Nap & Extra Rider

Nate's been known to fight naps and then crash in some strange ways! It was a weekend afternoon and I had just started to get the kids down for nap/rest. And then Brian started the mower:)

Nate perked up! And then ran outside and waited until Brian invited him on. Minutes later...

Really was sound asleep:)

As soon as Brian woke Nate he had another rider... waiting her turn;)

The neighborhood dog had to see the Miracle Mower for herself:) LOL!!

She LOVES riding on things... mowers, golf carts:) We've already had a couple of neighbors say that she rides with them... LOL!!

I love Nate's expressions as he tries to tell "Sissy" to get off the mower!


BTW... Brian's mower was off with the Nate & dog pictures:)

More Wordless Wednesday at  NapTime MomTog, 5 Minutes for Mom,  Mama to 4 Blessings, Go Graham Go

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Those pics are great! So cute that Nate fell asleep on the mower. And that dog is cute!