Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tiny Talk with Cousins, Grammie & Pey

Last week we finished working on Chris' RA derby car... last minute, of course! Regardless of time, Chris was determined make his car into a dinosaur... did you expect anything else??


Let's just say his car was definitely NOT the fastest down the ramp... LOL!! But Chris' stood out;)

I overheard a conversation with Chris and his sisters later in the evening when he was telling them that "A girl who was a teenager told me that my car had a really cool design! [paused] I was sooo embarrassed."

Lydia has hit a challenge in math, she is struggling with "odd ball" (as Saxon calls them) facts when subtracted. Its funny because she does the addition "odd ball"facts very easily, but for some reason when they are subtraction facts she gets confused.

I overheard her say  as she looked over her math for the morning, "More of these facts! These are the hard ones.... that's soo mean!" 


And my little Nate:) After seeing his newest little cousin and while watching a show that had a little baby on it...

Nate sweetly approached me and said, "Mommy, me want a baby." 

LOL... he obviously doesn't totally know what he's asking:) But I do have to say that Nate is very good with children younger than he is. Sometimes he doesn't really like sharing his specially toys but for being almost 3 he is very sweet to younger kids.

Speaking of being with the baby and Nate playing with other kids, we spent some time Sunday with my Dad (Pey), Mom (Grammie) and my sister's growing little family. So we got to see the new baby... I'll have more pictures of them later this week!

Nate and Hannah Grace... who are adorable together!! They play well together, too!

Grammie at the park with the grandkids:)

Here are the some of the grandchildren around Pey...

Yes, Pey is in a hospital bed... thankfully though at his home where my mom is caring for him. I don't really have words right now for this stage... just pray for Pey and my mom that these days would be filled with sweet memories and thankfulness, not just sadness.

Your turn

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I am so sorry to see Pey in a hospital bed. I'm glad for you all that he is at home and is able to see his grandkids. He looks so happy to be with them.

I will be praying for all of you.