Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tiny Talk Tuesday

I just realized that I haven't shared our Mother's Day picture:) I do like to take one every Mother's Day so I actually have a picture of me with my kids;) LOL!! We all joined in this year with the help of the timer;)

The yard with a little "tamed" part.
Nate dressed himself one morning this last week. He had on big sweatpants and he ran around trying to kick saying "These are me karate pants!" Of course he still has plenty of "baby talk" not quite the right words happening and so it sounded like he kept saying the pants were his "farty" pants...

which obviously caused many extra giggles and a few more kicks while shouting the "funny phrase".


Mr Darcy has officially been a part of our home new for more than 3 days and is already needing a bunny-sitter:)

Lydia has already agreed to watch Mr Darcy so his owner can tend to her things...like one more ride around the carport on her scooter;)

Brian was out of town one night this week. In the morning Nate and I texted him to see if he and the kids could chat some before his meetings started for the day.

As Nate and I waited for his call, Nate played with my cell (something he hasn't done often). He was excitedly pushing buttons and making lone trains of numbers;) And then he looked at me and asked, "What is Daddy's password?"


We are praying today for the families and people of Oklahoma! We are praying for comfort for the brokenhearted, wisdom and strength for those working to help others and the peace that only the Lord can provide during times of heartache and destruction.

It's your turn:)

1 comment:

Bunch of Barrons said...

LOL! Love these. So funny. And great shot of all of you!