Monday, April 1, 2013

Tiny Talk Tuesday

"I told myself, "Don't Panic!" when I got to the hard problems!"
was Chris' response when I asked him how he kept his cool during a 5 minute timed fact test. He had stayed focused the entire 5 minutes... which was a miracle and has yet to be repeated!! LOL!!

But I loved that he calmed himself and worked through a tough assignment... which BTW, he ASKED to do:)


The kids were trying to be silly and they were making up silly things to eat on top of their hot dogs. Lydia's caught my attention...

"I'd like to eat my hot dog with Chocolate."

Of course we were just listening, so we didn't realize that she meant eat a hot dog along side of her toy dog, Chocolate. She had plenty of "ewww!s" before she told us it was Chocolate and not chocolate;)


And my attentive and tender-hearted first born has been soaking in the teaching in her GA class. Her teacher challenged the girls to "give up" something for Lent. Unknown to us, Anna had chosen to give up something and had been doing it secretly.

Finally she told everyone when the middle two were begging her to let them play Angry Birds on her Kindle. She firmly told them that she couldn't help them get on to play because she had "given up playing Angry Birds on my Kindle for Lent" :) Too funny and sweet!

Brian found a true treasure at Goodwill this week:) He found a huge box of matchbox car tracks... we're talking can make laps around a room huge:) The kids LOVED it;)

Chris hugged around Brian's neck and said,"Your the best Dad in the whole world!" 

During all the fun putting the track together, the races, the giggles, Chris' words and an immediate Thank you note, Brian was quick to say that it was the best $8 he could have spent;)

It's your turn:)


Bunch of Barrons said...

Haha. Love it!

Jenny said...

That is a good thrift store find! So cute that Chris wrote a thank you note to him!

Good job to Anna for observing Lent.